On Sun, 8 Sep 2013, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2013, Michael Hennebry wrote:
Sommetimes, for no apparent reason, my mouse cursor will become four arrows and suddenly I cannot do anything with my desktop. I can move the cursor and that is it. Clicking has no effect. cnrtl-alt-F6 gave me another virtual console from which I could post this. Other rebooting, how do I fix this? I'm running xfce on 6.2.
I've tried to run another X server, but it doesn't seem to take. Do I need to do it as root? I've tried Xorg and X with :1 and tty2, but nothing shows up.
I've found xinit and made it run xfce for me, but the other server instance still has a stuck mouse.