Hello , i want all my log messages from python to have in /var/log/python
Now they are in /var/log/messages:
Jun 9 12:10:51 sx1 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started. Jun 9 12:11:01 sx1 python: MM_MEMBERS [it] Nothing to do. Jun 9 12:11:02 sx1 python: MM_MEMBERS [research] Nothing to do. Jun 9 12:12:01 sx1 python: MM_MEMBERS [it] Nothing to do. Jun 9 12:12:01 sx1 python: MM_MEMBERS [research] Nothing to do.
So i have added to the end of the syslog.conf
# Python python.* /var/log/python
and restarted syslog,
then i have created /var/log/python and for sure addedd u+rw, g +rw, o+rw permissions
But, nothing, /var/log/python is empty
What am i doing wrong? (Centos 5.1)