From: Ron Loftin Sent: September 2, 2009 11:48
On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 11:38 -0700, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
From: Christopher Chan Sent: September 1, 2009 23:04
I cannot believe the file is dated 2004. Ah well, I got rid of sendmail and replaced it with postfix in 2003 while I was still a mail admin. I must bow to the real sendmail bigots.
Mail administration is just one of those "little" jobs that I am responsible for and I just have not had the time to review/learn a new MTA so I muddle on with the "devil I know".
I'm certainly not going to throw stones at this philosophy, but I will suggest that you reconsider in this case. I'm not really a mail guru, or even that much of a mail admin, but I switched to Postfix about 3 years ago, and I have to say that the learning curve is a LOT less challenging than Sendmail ever was for me. I became "productive" with Postfix in less than a week, mostly because the documentation is a lot better, as well as the config files are readable by the average computer-literate humanoid. I suggest that you give it some thought.
I will definitely consider it. The main problem I have is time. We are a small company and I am stretched very thin to cover a lot of tasks. Trying to carve out a week to learn a new MTA will be difficult but I will definitely consider it.
Thanks for your comments.
Regards, Hugh