On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:20, Mark <mhullrich@gmail.com> wrote:
Given that the Document Foundation has now split away from Oracle to
continue the development of an independent office suite, do we have
any idea which was CentOS and Red Hat are planning to go in this area
- OpenOffice or LibreOffice?

I know that LibreOffice is not production ready yet - they only have
their first beta available, but it's just a matter of (likely a short)
time before the split becomes a release.

CentOS mailing list

I would guess RedHat (and by default CentOS) will stay with OpenOffice for a while to see what 
a) Oracle are going to do with it
b) How many people sing LibreOffice's praises
Once it hits beta, I will install it to see how it goes. The way Oracle is acting towards Open Source I will likely stay with LibreOffice and also start learning PosgreSQL just so I have no Oracle products (in much the same way I have no M$ products (in my personal life))...

 John Kennedy