Whit Blauvelt wrote:
On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 12:44:41PM -0700, John R Pierce wrote:
and, yes, it ran CP/M, 1.4, then later 2.2
With ZCPR?
nope, was originally a 8080a 2Mhz, then later a 8085 5Mhz processor (more crusty neurons are blinking in with the obsolete knowledge that the upgrade to the 5Mhz 8085 was an important reason for the memory upgrade from 2102 to 2114.... the system ran 0 wait state). zcpr was Z80 specific, and came quite a bit later, I built the first gen circa 1977, and upgraded it to the 5Mhz 8085 circa 1979
anyways, we're *WAY* off topic here. sound like a bunch of geezers lamenting their old Ford flatheads while the kids go zooming off in their Subaru WRX's.