Le Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:57:07 +0200 Martin Hamant mh@accelance.fr écrivait:
Le Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:47:15 -0400 "Jim Perrin" jperrin@gmail.com écrivait:
There are a couple patches to make things play nice in RHEL/Centos involving libtool, the lib directory, a proper init script, proper buildrequires etc. They're both similar, but we have far more control over our packages and can provide better support. Ours are also much closer to what you'll find "upstream". Some packages are done based on name requirements, and mysql's packages don't match what the distro provides, which can cause conflicts. Our mysql packages are designed to be drop in replacements.
thank you ! Why don't make an official announcement why commit like that happen ?
^^^^ when a
sorry :/