Put escaped double quotes around name, like "$NAME" in the test expression.
Pat Welch
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail.
Craig White
craig.white@ttiltd.com wrote:
the relevant snippet is...
cd $IN
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name $NAME -print -quit)"
and if there is one file in this directory - ie test.mov, this works fine
but if there are two (or more) files in this directory - test.mov, test2.mov
then I get an error...
find: paths must precede expression
So my code is evidently wrong. I just want a test for 1 or more files ending in .mov in the directory?
Any one want to toss me a bone here?
Craig White ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ craig.white@ttiltd.com
1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.ttiassessments.com
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