Am 28.12.2011 23:32, schrieb Michael Lampe:
Reindl Harald wrote:
you need not to build a distribution to build clean packages in a clean build-envirnonment - this is simply in your own interest over the long and any quick& dirty solution will eat your time later
Please tell me in detail what ends up quick and dirty, when doing what is well established Unix practise since decades. This is nothing else than a simplified (but very convenient!) form of crosscompiling.
do what you believe and let us look where you end in 5-6 years after doing a couple of updates with "./configure && make && make install)
it IS DIRTY because it does NOT remove obsoleted files and yes i have seen environemnets where as example mysql did not compile any longer as long all pieces of the old version were not deleted manually
working on a modern OS beside the apckage-managment is just silly you have no clear dependencies, you have no migration-path, you have no clean rollback - you are doing a dirty job working so
but yes, you can, do if you think it is good enough for you for the majority of advanced users it is not and in a prodessional environment it is simply unacceptable