centos-bounces@centos.org wrote:
On Wednesday, March 09, 2011 10:16:34 am Brunner, Brian T. wrote:
This would be far cheaper than the time spent troubleshooting the running (sometimes hanging) system.
Let me interject here, that from a budgeting standpoint 'cheaper' has to be interpreted in the context of which budget the costs are coming out of.
This degenerates into "Your dollars are cheaper than my dollars".
New hardware is capex, and thus would come out of the capital budget, and admin time is opex, and thus would come out of the operating budget.
This is where mental ossification amongst bean-counters can kill a company. "Economic Opportunity Cost" should raise its head here: What would we do with the $capex if we paid $opex vs what would we do with the $opex if we paid $capex. "The Time Value of Money vs The Money Value of Time" is another phrasing of this point-of-view. Unfortunately this is no longer a CentOS topic.
Starting with RAM and Power Supply is not random ... They're "The Usual Suspects".
This is a very true statement.
Heat and airflow are two others.
RAM and PowerSupply are easy starting points: swap RAM between two systems and see (in the next 3 months) if the problem moved, swapping power supplies is a bit trickier but doable if the systems are similar enough. Again, several months watching to see where the problem manifests is a test of patience and diligence. It's possible that doing this will make the problem stop arising (RAM and PS are both good enough, they just don't play well together).
Heat & airflow are harder to swap (says the guy who opened an office desktop, and vacuumed out enough hair, lint, dust, dander, and ashes to knit a grey angora hamster (with lung cancer)).
Insert spiffy .sig here: Life is complex: it has both real and imaginary parts.
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