Le 19/06/2020 à 17:29, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
How is this going to be fixed .. Welcome to CentOS Stream
Stream will be , once it is fully implemented, the ACTUAL development of RHEL the 'next point release' on git.centos.org in the open.
It will be a rolling distro that is GOING to be the Source Code used for next RHEL point release.
Therefore, we will have all package as they are being worked on by the RHEL Engineers .. and you can see it happen in progress. You can also use it however you want. There will be no delay i this at all. It will be constantly moving. There will be no 500 pacakges drop or delays.
Reading this, I just want to say a big warm THANK YOU for churning out one of the finest Linux distributions.
Keep up the good work.
Cheers from the sunny South of France,