Ok I am done getting it up and running.

Thanks a million for everybodys help

Per Qvindesland
E-mail: per@norhex.com
--- Original message follows ---
Subject: Re: [CentOS] NIS
From:  James Pearson <james-p@moving-picture.com>
To: "CentOS mailing list" <centos@centos.org>
Date: 22-07-2009 12:35

Per Qvindesland wrote:
> Hi list
> Does anyone know about a good howto setup nis and to make ad see it
> and use the usernames?


I don't think you can get AD to 'use' NIS as a directory service, but AD
can be set up as a NIS server using IDMU (Identity Management for Unix)

James Pearson
CentOS mailing list