On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 7:08 AM, nate centos@linuxpowered.net wrote:
ankush grover wrote:
Earlier this server was syncing time through ntp daemon and below is the ntp.conf file. Now I have set a cronjob which sync the time with
Best not to run NTP inside a ESX VM. I've never gotten NTP to sync inside of VMware outside of a kernel with VMI enabled (no versions of RHEL support VMI at this time as far as I know).
As quoted by Brian earlier in this thread, the VMware knowledge base offers their "best practices for Linux guests" in :
for VMware products including ESX and ESXi. According to their current recommendations, " In all cases use NTP instead of VMware Tools periodic time synchronization."
The above KB articles gets updated from time to time, so it is a good idea to check it back occasionally.