On 2014-11-05, zep zgreenfelder@gmail.com wrote:
I'd second nagios, but I think to -really- test smtp, you'd need an external email source, a specialized target user and cron on both sides (at least that'd how I'd do it, just to be sure mail is really flowing through).
For just testing whether the SMTP server is up (which is what the OP originally requested) a nagios check may be sufficient. As another poster mentioned, he could use the check_smtp plugin (e.g., via cron, though I agree with you that cron isn't a great tool for monitoring) without running a full Nagios server.
For verifying that delivery is occuring successfully, you'd need more what you described, but even that's not going to be foolproof: maybe delivery to you is working fine, but delivery to other users isn't working properly. It's really up to the OP, how much work does he really want to put in?