on 2-27-2009 10:31 AM Kai Schaetzl spake the following:
Linux Advocate wrote on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 06:52:13 -0800 (PST):
/etc/yum.repos.d/kbs-extras.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/kbs-misc.repo
you can put rpmforge at 10 and epel and atrpms somewhere at 20, depends on what you need. I use rpmforge for maybe 98% of my extra packages on CentOS 5 and used EPEL and atrpms only for a few special packages, so i have them not enabled normally. I think I don't use kbs at all. I used it for CentoS 4, but for 5 I think rpmforge is better and I got the impression that Karanbir is pushing people towards it, anyway.
You can also set the "includepkgs=" line on the more obscure repos to only show the stuff that you install from there. That is what I did with atrpms, since I only get dovecot from there.