On Sun, 2006-03-05 at 14:12 +0100, Dag Wieers wrote:
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Geert Batsleer wrote:
I was looking for the roadmap for Centos 4.x.
Is the release schedule somewhere on centos.org end if not, when can we expect the release of Centos 4.3? Somebody on irc in #centos told me it's a matter of weeks but it would be nice to get a more official confirmatiion so I can plan the rollout of Centos in my serverpark.
Since CentOS is mainly a rebuild of RHEL, it might be useful to look at the release schedule of Red Hat (if you have access to that).
As soon as RHEL4 U3 is released, the CentOS team can start to finalize the CentOS 4.3 release.
Dag is correct.
We build our updates as they are released by the upstream provider.
Since they release their numbered update sets (EL4u1, EL4u2, EL4u3) "When they are Ready" ... we do:
"When they are Ready" + 2 weeks :)
The numbered update releases normally released at 3-4 month intervals by the upstream provider ... their website says 3-4 times per year.
We will follow suite and get our releases out ASAP after that ... our goal being 2 weeks.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes