On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 14:08 +0200, Farkas Levente wrote:
Turned on (as kernel modules) are the following:
NTFS XFS JFS ReiserFS UFS (FreeBSD default file system ... Read Only) BeOS (Read Only)
what about IPX support (as it was in centos-3.x)?
It's in there :)
I knew I would forget something important in the announcement :)
One thing I want to make clear about this kernel package
This package is a replacement for the package "kernel" ... it has an upsupported in the version, but it is not called kernel-unsupported. I did this on purpose, as it is a full replacement kernel and not a standalone set of just modules.
There are pros and cons to this method, but since it is in the CentOS- Plus repository, I wanted it to be a standalone kernel. (So other distro users ... like WBEL, TaoLinux, and even RHEL, could use it)
I have fully tested this kernel, and I think it is very stable ... but I only have 5 test machines and 2 production CentOS-4 servers where I can run it. RHEL does not provide this kind of kernel, so if it breaks, you get to keep the pieces :) I will, of course, try to fix any issues that arise in this kernel that do not happen in the RHEL one.
------ Johnny Hughes