On 10/27/2014 10:35 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Ted Miller wrote:
I have not tried an upgrade, but it sounds like they put the work into making server upgrades easier, but did not (or could not) make it as easy for desktop installations. Most people paying license fees are covering servers.
I got the impression that the CentOSUpgradeTool was a CentOS project, rather than an RHEL one?
Here is the page describing the RHEL tool they based the Centos tool on: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/htm...
I think Centos may have extended it based on their testing, but it is all based on work the RHEL did, so it comes with the same basic structure.
I don't know if there are any tools that would perform this particular upgrade on Gnome or KDE. They have both changed so drastically that translation from old configuration files to new ones would require overwhelming machine intelligence, and it just isn't worth it. In another context, when the new version development of both GUIs wasn't moving so fast, it might work fine. That just isn't this year. If you don't believe me, just go read all the mailing list traffic asking "How do I set ... on Gnome? I used to know exactly what to do, but what I knew doesn't work any more."
Ted Miller Elkhart, IN, USA