On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, rado wrote:
Lastly, If I, in any of this seem aprehendsive I did not mean so and my apologies. I made my choice as most others here have. Centos! and I think most all will agree, the best choice, if we gonna live by it, then there is no place here to cut on any of the redhat fedora family. It just seems to make sense...to me anyway.
John Rose
I agree. In the end, though, people have to remember the human factor. i.e. When someone comes on here distro-shopping and says "Fedora sucks", it's not very productive to get into philosophical debates about Fedora and where it fits into the pipeline that eventually lands up with us getting this wonderful free Operating System. It just ends up in arguments, as we've seen. I guess I try to put philosophy and politics aside and empathize with the fact that the user may be (in a somewhat unsophisticated manner) simply approaching the distro choice from the standpoint of a user. Nothing more. And from their perspective Fedora was bad and CentOS was good. Regardless of whether Red Hat deserves credit for their work, that's their user experience. So it's best to just point them in the right direction and avoid the philosophical discussions.
In the end, those of us who are here and using CentOS and really appreciate it obviously appreciate the work Red Hat has done to even make this possible. And I'd like to think (as stated earlier) that Red Hat gets something in return. They get one more systems developer/integrator familiar with their product (roughly) and very pleased with it and likely to recommend it to people in the future.