On 09/10/2012 09:35 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
On Sunday, September 09, 2012 09:55:56 PM Mark LaPierre wrote:
I just installed the Fluendo DVD player. Cost me $20. Its playing Shrek right now. Swaps to full screen and back without a hitch.
While there have been a few legal DVD players for Linux over the years, to the best of my knowledge the Fluendo product is the only 'legal licensed fully paid up' one that still is fully supported by the developer. Fluendo also has a legal MP3 decoder that is a no-cost download, and a full codec pack that has a small cost for fully legal gstreamer decode plugins.
The harder software packages to find for Linux in fully licensed and legal form are the encoders......
CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
Linux users too often flaunt the law by using patented software illegally. By doing so we refuse to support those who invest their funds and blood to produce compatible software. Then we complain about companies not supporting Linux. I wonder who is at fault for that. ;-)
No, I don't support the concept of software patents, but let's not go there right now.
I, for one, have no problem with supporting companies who support Linux. I buy software and hardware from vendors who support Linux, and I take the time to write to those who don't to complain. Maybe if more of us would support companies who support Linux there would be more companies willing to make the investment required to support Linux.
Now don't think that I'm not an open source supporter. I use it when I can get it because open source leads to innovation and improved data security. Where are all those people who use proprietary software that uses proprietary file formats going to go when the company they have been depending on decides to abandon their customers.