your topology is below?
centos <---->xp<--->internet
then centos access internet via xp ?
On 3/8/11, Rudi Ahlers <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 12:09 PM, hadi motamedi <> wrote:
>> On 3/8/11, Jakub Jedelsky <> wrote:
>>> Dne 8.3.2011 10:19, hadi motamedi napsal(a):
>>>> Dear All
>>>> My centos machine is connected to my MS Windows machine on the net.The
>>>> MS Windows machine is connected to Internet via valid IP address
>>>> setting and on its secondary ip address setting it can see my centos
>>>> machine on the intranet.Can you please let me know how can try for
>>>> Internet connection sharing such that my centos machine can see
>>>> internet with minor modifications done?
>>>> Thank you in advance
>>> Hi hadi,
>>> this isn't centos thing, all you need is to configure network bridge on
>>> your Windows machine. You didn't send info about your windows verison so
>>> try to google something about it
>>> (
>>> JJ
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> CentOS mailing list
>> Thank you very much for your reply.I am familiar with internet
>> connection sharing on MS Windows as I have a third XP client on the
>> same net connected to the internet.I tried as the following on my
>> centos:
>> #route add -net default gw
>> Where this is the secondary ip address of the MS Windows host.But the
>> centos cannot see the internet. Can you please let me know why?
>> _______________________________________________
> Did you add any DNS resovler IP's to /etc/resolv.conf ?Yes, I did but still internet unreachable.
> --
> Kind Regards
> Rudi Ahlers
> SoftDux
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> Office: 087 805 9573
> Cell: 082 554 7532
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