On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 21:28, Clint Dilks clintd@scms.waikato.ac.nz wrote:
something like 10-local.rules which contains KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/%k", OWNER="root", GROUP="vboxusers", MODE="0660" But unfortunately when I reboot the permissions are still 0 crw------- 1 root root 10, 200 Oct 24 14:09 /dev/net/tun
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or point me to some clear documentation about creating custom udev rules.
I'm not 100% sure of why this is happening, but I believe that the rule to create /dev/net/tun in 50-udev.rules is overriding the one you created. Did you try to create it as 99-local.rules? What about creating a device with another name so that they do not conflict?
But in general I agree with you that udev is a little tricky and documentation could be improved...
HTH, Filipe