JohnS wrote:
Awsome but a Day Late and a Dollar Short && Care to share that shell script please.
OK, but I warned you, it's a kludge.
#!/bin/bash # # Get a list of the hosts on the local network via nmap -sP and check # them against the ethers file to retrieve the host name, if any. # Check DNS to see if the DNS entries match it in the local domain and, # if not, make the necessary changes. # # $Id$ # Jay Leafey - 10/29/2009 #
TEST=0 test $# -gt 0 && TEST=1
NSUPDATES=$( mktemp -t dynamic_dns.XXXXXXXXXX ) ME=$( hostname -f )
echo "server localhost" > ${NSUPDATES}
nmap -sP | \ while read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 do if [ "${f1}" == "Host" ] then if [ "${f2}" == "${ME}" ] then continue fi read m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 MYIP="" if [ "${f2%.*}" == "192.168.1" ] then MYIP=${f2} else MYIP=$( echo "${f3}" | sed 's/[()]//g' ) fi MYMAC=${m3} MYHOST=$( grep -i "^${MYMAC}" /etc/ethers | awk "{ print $2 }" | tr A-Z a-z) #~ echo "${MYMAC} ${MYIP} ${MYHOST}"
if [ "${MYHOST}" ] then #~ Set the "forward" DNS entry DNSIP=$( host ${MYHOST} 2>/dev/null | awk '/ has address / { print $NF}' ) if [ -z "${DNSIP}" ] then echo -e "update add ${MYHOST}.local 2400 IN A ${MYIP}\n" >> ${NSUPDATES} elif [ "${MYIP}" != "${DNSIP}" ] then echo "update delete ${MYHOST}.local IN A ${DNSIP}" >> ${NSUPDATES} echo -e "update add ${MYHOST}.local 240 IN A ${MYIP}\n" >> ${NSUPDATES} fi #~ Set the "reverse" DNS entry DNSRR=$( host ${MYIP} | awk '/ domain name pointer / { print $1 }' ) DNSPTR=$( host ${MYIP} | awk '/ domain name pointer / { print $NF }' ) if [ -z "${DNSPTR}" ] then echo -e "update add ${MYIP##*.} 2400 IN PTR ${MYHOST}.local.\n" >> ${NSUPDATES} elif [ "${DNSPTR}" != "${MYHOST}.local." ] then echo "update delete ${DNSRR} IN PTR" >> ${NSUPDATES} echo -e "update add ${DNSRR} 2400 IN PTR ${MYHOST}.local.\n" >> ${NSUPDATES} fi fi fi
if [ ${TEST} -gt 0 ] then cat ${NSUPDATES} exit fi
if [ $( wc -l ${NSUPDATES} ) -gt 1 ] then # cat ${NSUPDATES} nsupdate ${NSUPDATES} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "nsupdate failed:" cat ${NSUPDATES} fi fi
rm -f ${NSUPDATES}
The code makes a LOT of assumptions that may only be valid in my home network, but perhaps the ideas will be useful. I have considered rewriting this in Perl, but it works and I really need the time for other projects.
&& Why you scrub the MACS?
Sheer paranoia and long-standing habit.