Quoting Tom Brown tom@ng23.net:
Does anyone have experience of running CentOS on HP hardware, both rack mount kit and blades? How are things like hardware monitoring etc? We may be moving from Dell to HP and i get on really well with OMSA and Nagios etc so ideally would like to monitor using similar tools rather than some central 'enterprise' dashboard etc.
Any real world experience?
I have CentOS as well as RHEL on many HP servers, although none of them are blades. I do not use Nagios, but I just saw a plugin for nagios that monitors HP's hpasm today .. http://www.consol.com/opensource/nagios/check-hpasm/?cHash=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
I have not been able to get disk threshold reporting to work in current versions of hpasm but besides that, no complaints. I have RHEL 2.1/3/4 and CentOS 4 running on HP hardware with no issues.
HTH, Barry