Hello, Thanks to some nice people on here and other forums I have pretty much finalized my whole mail system on centos 6.x.
With all the checks, greylisting, dev/null of any 8+ spam level SA, I still get a few mails.
It seems like everytime I enable a new protectant, the mail stops spamming for a few hours...then the spammers decide I am worthy of using better methods against me..and more come. LOL.
I am down to just 10-15 a day. Anything that gets through all that I set up now goes to a spammers list that I add to the access file of postfix.
that is the link to my list. I am trying to sort them out into political, real estate, bulk spammers, etc. The worst part is the bulk emailers are not on any black list. It is very hard to find their mail MX until they actually send you one. Many will be blocked, then a new alternate of theirs comes through.
I could not find a list of bulk commercial spammers so I thought I would start one. As I progress it will become more defined, but right now a big list with some categories after it.
Hope it helps.