I'm trying to rsync a 8TB data folder containing squillions of small files and it's taking forever (i.e. weeks) to get anywhere. I'm assuming the slow bit is check-summing everything with a single CPU (even though it's on a 12-core server ;-( ) Is it possible to do something simple like scp the whole dir in one go so they're duplicates in the first instance, then get rsync to just keep them in sync without an initial transfer?
Or is there a better way?
Russell Smithies Infrastructure Technician T 03 489 9085 M 027 4734 600 E russell.smithies@agresearch.co.nz Invermay Agricultural Centre Puddle Alley, Private Bag 50034, Mosgiel 9053, New Zealand T +64 3 489 3809 F +64 3 489 3739 www.agresearch.co.nzhttp://www.agresearch.co.nz/
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