Hi all,
I am new to Hearbeat so please be kind :) I also posted this on Linux-HA lists with no responses so I posted it here.
I have successfully configure two machines to use heartbeat to cluster httpd. The two nodes are called etk-1 and etk-2. I am trying to configure another two machines to act as a separate cluster (on the same IP subnet). These two nodes are called radu-1 and radu-2.
Obviously being a broadcast protocol radu-1 and radu-2 get these messages from etk-1 and I can't seem to get radu-1 and radu-2 to cluster (mostly probably because they are not getting the messages from the right nodes).
Should I just change the name of the test, if I do that I get heaps of WARNING log messages.
Is it possible to have two sets of clusters in the one IP subnet?
If yes what do I have to change so these clusters don't send messages to the wrong nodes.
heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: process_status_message: bad node [etk-1] in message heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG: Dumping message with 10 fields heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[0] : [t=NS_ackmsg] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[1] : [dest= etk-2] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[2] : [ackseq=1a9601] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[3] : [(1)destuuid=0xdf38de8(37 28)] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[4] : [src= etk-1] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[5] : [(1)srcuuid=0xdf39248(36 27)] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[6] : [hg=499a2a65] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[7] : [ts=49cfb452] heartbeat[3745]: 2009/03/30_04:48:02 ERROR: MSG[8] : [ttl=3]