Hello, CentOS team and everyone who cares about CentOS,
Huawei release an Euler OS, which is an distribution based on CentOS. http://developer.huawei.com/ict/en/site-euleros/euleros-introduction
According to CentOS's statement, CentOS is distributed under the GPLv2 License. http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7.4.1708/os/x86_64/EULA
The GPL license requires the modified version to be open-source AND release in the GPL license, as well.
However, Huawei break the GPL license by close-source and replace the license with their proprietary one.
How do I find it? Well, I download the so-called Euler OS from http://developer.huawei.com/ict/site-euleros/euleros/repo/yum/2.2/os/x86_64/...
And install it in the virtual machine. From the following path: /usr/share/euleros-release/EULA /usr/share/eula/eula/eula.en_US I find that it is NOT the GPL license, but Huawei's own license.
So is Huawei breaking the license of CentOS?