On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 05:04:32PM +0800, Wei Yu wrote:
In the release notes it is said RHDS will replace OpenLDAP.
It says OpenLDAP will be deprecated in the next release *after* RHEL 5.
However, I can only find OpenLDAP in CentOS5.
I also can only find OpenLDAP in RHEL5.
I tried to google the web but it returned nothing useful. Does anyone know about this? Thanks.
AFAIK, RedHat Directory Server is sold, and may have some parts that haven't been open sourced yet.
But there's Fedora Directory Server, that I've been using: http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Download
There's also a new package being developed in extras. You'll require: - fedora-ds-base - icu - svrcore - mozldap - perl-Mozilla-LDAP - nspr - nss
The installer in that package is ds_newinst.pl, and requires a file argument with something like: [General] FullMachineName=`hostname` SuiteSpotUserID=nobody ServerRoot=/usr/lib/fedora-ds [slapd] ServerPort=389 ServerIdentifier=`hostname -s` Suffix=dc=example,dc=com RootDN=cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd=clear_text_password