Am 24.06.2009 um 23:59 schrieb Bart Schaefer:
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 9:09 AM, nate wrote:
Sorin Srbu wrote:
My requirements are only that the software should be simple to install, maintain and add more photos. I'm not a pro (a newbie more like it...) when it comes to mysql and php, so this needs to be easy to do as well, from the gallery standpoint.
I like gallery v1 myself and have used it for years. I tried gallery v2 but it was too complicated to use(and hated the themes it came with I just wanted something plain), I just wanted something simple. It doesn't use a (SQL) DB, it does do auto resizing of pictures when you upload them.
Does anyone know of something REALLY simple? As in, using nothing but a directory hierarchy, CSS, and possibly some Javascript?
Well, since somebody mentioned dot-net, I think I'm entitled to say that Apple's iWeb does the above ;-)
Personally, though, I use gallery2 for most purposes. It has a Java app that you can use to upload hundreds of images at once. Well, as "at once" as your upload bandwidth allows.
The setup is really simple. A lot of open-source apps nowadays come with "installers" that ask you about the database etc. Gallery2 does that, too.
I don't see why anybody on this mailing-list should be incapable of mastering this task.
You just upload the unpacked gallery2 directory to your webspace, create a db and a corresponding user with phpmyadmin and enter those details into gallery2's installer.