Suppose I have a CentOS 5.7 machine running the default Apache with no extra modules enabled, and with the "yum-updatesd" service running to pull down and install updates as soon as they become available from the repository. (Assume further the password is strong, etc.) On the other hand, suppose that as the admin, I'm not subscribed to any security alert mailing lists which send out announcements like "Please disable this feature as a workaround until this hole is plugged", so the machine just hums along with all of its default settings.
So the machine can still be broken into, if there is an unpatched exploit released in the wild, in the window of time before a patch is released for that update. On the other hand, at any point in time where there are no unpatched exploits in the wild, the machine should be much harder to break into.
Roughly what percent of the time is there such an unpatched exploit in the wild, so that the machine can be hacked by someone keeping up with the exploits? 5%? 50%? 95%?
Hopefully this is specific enough that the answer is not "it depends" :) , an actual numeric answer should exist -- although I don't know if anyone has ever tried to work it out. But if not, then what's a good guess, based on observing how frequently root exploits are released in the wild, and how long the patches usually take.