On Apr 19, 2020, at 14:25, S.Bob sbob@quadratum-braccas.com wrote:
I followed this guide:
now I get this:
# echo "Subject: sendmail test4" | sendmail kevink@psalm19pix.com [root@kdb-bugs auth]# echo "Subject: sendmail test4" | sendmail -v kevink@psalm19pix.com kevink@psalm19pix.com... Connecting to [] via relay... kevink@psalm19pix.com... Deferred: Connection reset by [] Closing connection to []
Looks like the sendmail service isn’t running. Maybe it not starting because of a syntax errors?
I’d probably not use send mail in the first place. Postfix is the default, recommended MTA in CentOS 7, and its less likely to have mysterious syntax errors and easier to understand configuration syntax. (Sendmail’s config language is so complex that most people just use M4 and “compile” it into the sendmail.cf)
-- Jonathan Billings billings@negate.org