On 08/31/2015 05:55 AM, Mike - st257 wrote:
I'm not an expert in bc, so I might be wrong, but it looks like setting the ibase inside a function is simply too late. ibase affects how bc interprets input.
Thanks Gordon. Big bummer given that behavior. :-/
I suppose that depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Most conversions you can do entirely within bash, if that's your goal.
function dec_to_hex () { printf '%x\n' $1; } function hex_to_dec() { printf '%d\n' $(( 16#$1 )); } function hex_to_bin() { echo 'obase=2;' $(( 16#$1 )) | bc; }
$ dec_to_hex 10 a $ hex_to_dec a 10 $ hex_to_bin a 1010