Craig White wrote:
On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 19:04 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Ray Van Dolson wrote:
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 05:14:05PM -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Got all the way through the selection of packages. All those time consuming tasks and the install got to formating the drive and crashed on a format error!
Since I know exactly how I want to lay out the partitions, is there a way I can boot from CD, and get into Disk Druid to set the partitions and do the formating. Then when I come to the install just select to keep the drive how it is?
And I have to have LVM....
You could hit ALT-F2 and set everything up from the console by hand (including formatting) and then just tell disk druid _not_ to format. I haven't tried that, but it feasibly might work...
Do you mean right after booting off CD #1? alt-F2 does nothing F2 lists options like linux askmethod.
I think he meant <Control><ALT><F2>
Yes, if you are in X, you need ctl-alt-fkey to switch VCs. If you aren't already in X you can do it with alt-fkey. Regardless, you have to be a little farther along in the install before it works.