On 7/20/21 10:03 AM, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
Le 19/07/2021 à 21:38, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
Yes, some items, if you really need 10 years, would require Alma or Rocky or Oracle if you don't want to pay for RHEL.
Low risk updates over a ten year support cycle are the number one reason we've all been using "classic" CentOS in the first place.
And it was 7 years before it was 10 .. so 5 could certainly be good enough for most people. But not everyone.
Again .. I couldn't care less what anyone uses or how they feel about things i can't control. I am just saying, for the vast majority of users, 5 years is OK and Steam is good enough and stable enough to use. RHEL is based off it, it must be good enough.
Not trying to start a philosophical debate or a tread on how someone is offended by such and such release date changing, etc. Just stating that Stream is good enough for almost anyone to use. It has a lifetime as good as Debian or Ubuntu LTS .. it gets security updates in a timely manner.
If it doesn't meet your needs (not you in particular Nicolas .. YOU in the larger / plural sense) .. then use something that does.