Drew wrote:
My questions is, for a small home server that runs apache/php/mysql and Samba, how well do the Mini-ITX boards like the VIA C3/7 & Intel Atoms handle this sort of task? I've used VIA systems as MythTV frontends but never as file/web servers. I'd expect they'd do fine for home use but I've never tried.
I run FreeNAS, which is ZFS file server, apache+php but no database, and with Bittorrent continuously running, on an Intel Mini ITX motherboard, the single core Intel 280 (or 270? forgot) with the 2 GB RAM. CPU Utilization rarely reach 50%. Only goes to 60% when I am running Unison over SSH. And the RAM usage is around 60% from 2GB with full Bittorrent access. The only bad thing about the this Intel Atom motherboard is that it only have 2 port SATA. Thus I need to install Sil3114 4 port SATA to drive the other 4 disks. Now my system is running 6 SATA disks and booted from an PATA Compact Flash. Since I used up the only PCI slot for the SATA card, I must be happy with its onboard 100BaseT network.
Therefore, I think for your requirement, the Intel Atom are just fine. You may go to the dual core Atom 330 with Gigabit Ethernet since the price difference is negligible.