Kurt Hansen wrote:
you are much confused, Kurt, as to what CentOS is and what packaging policy with this distro is. I suggest you spend some time working that out.
this isnt a Gentoo derevative, and never will be either.
Oh, so I should use a defective version of mod_perl and a sub-optimal version of perl on my system to maintain the "packaging policy"?
perhaps you dont understand what a package is ? versions of s/w are not locked into packages.... and redhat are not the only people who can create packages. if you google for it, there are many docs out there that explain howto build a rpm, if you like, here are some places to start :
Considering that you don't know much about the software I use, I think you should consider refraining from commenting on my questions. Unless you have something constructive to say rather than make insults.
I would comment on the issues you face, but the darned tonfoil hat keeps getting in the way of my mind scans to transparently read whats on your mind.
- KB