Hello Bruce
All you need is a terminal/shell
ssh validusername@ipaddress
then type
which is under
man lvm
Another route: From centos dvd select rescue and follow instructions
Check file privileges on drupal. I've head some funny stories from some severs running wordpress (to do with lack of privileges around upload folder not wordpress)
what do your logs say in /var/log/ what does
All the best Paul
On 2 April 2013 20:33, Bruce Whealton bruce@futurewaveonline.com wrote:
john r pierce 37N 122W somewhere on the middle of the left coast
Hello Bruce
This is a great start -> https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=28723&forum=...
What Database do you have on you server? Where did you create the data
dir? On the home/business system, I have mysql. By data directory, do you mean, apache web directory? I did setup owncloud and installed that inside my first virtual host. So, the apache data directory is at: /var/www/ I mapped the domain futurewavewebhosting.com to the location first specified in httpd.conf, which is /var/www/html/public_html/ So, owncloud is in /var/www/html/public_html/owncloud Just to be able to figure out how to setup virtual hosts, I setup them at /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/
Do you have wordpress running? under httpd (apache)?
I have drupal, and owncloud, and some other small scripts I developed.
Do you have a mail server running?
I started setting that up but couldn't get it to send to an external domain. It may be my ISP blocks that port.
Please run the script(getinfo.sh) and paste to pastebin.
I'll try. I can get in with the liveDVD. When I do that the other directories are locked and so the script needs to be run when I am not using liveDVD. The problem seems to be when it tries to create a tmp file for vnc. The idea was to get to my desktop from my other computer using tightvnc on my windows system. Maybe the tmp file directory is full for root only. I can get to the login prompt. I'll try one of the other usernames. Otherwise, I need a way to see if I can get into the system without loading the GNOME desktop, just the terminal. Then I need a way to tell it "Put the temp files for vnc into this much bigger partition.
I'd use fdisk or parted to create a partition. Then set the id/type to 82
linux swap. Then mkswap on the new drive. Copy the contents of the old swap using the dd command to the new drive. Then swapon and swapoff and update /etc/fstab. Then free to check new swaps up. So, I should be able to create a boot disk that will let me use fdisk or parted, which I might already have.
man lvm
Read more about lvm here.
http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Adding_a_New_Disk_to_a_CentOS_6_Volume_G roup_and_Logical_Volume
All the best Paul
For the dedicated host that I have, is there a way to shrink one partition to free up space for another, to expand another partition? Thanks, Bruce
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