On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 10:38:10AM +0900, マスターズ・イアン wrote:
On 2018/10/27 21:00, centos-request@centos.org wrote:
I've previously configured sendmail to send system messages on selected servers running CentOS 6. Usually they just kinda' work out of the box. No problems to speak of.
However most of my CentOS 7-servers are rather flakey when it comes to sendmail. Most of the time they just won't send mails for whatever reason. Further, most of the time I can get it working, it's usually about a firewall rule not set, the firewall not having been reloaded or some simple such.
Another thing to try would be Postfix. I've always found that very easy to use and also requires almost no configuration: https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_7&p=mail&f=1 (on the same site, a lot of very useful CentOS7 info)
Usually for local servers, all I do is:
- Add root alias in /etc/aliases
- Run 'newaliases'
- Send test mail:
echo "test from `hostname`" | mail -s 'mail test' me@address
That's all.
Probably not helpful, but I run a home mailserver, always used sendmail. Spent 15 years slowly accumulating a functioning sendmail.mc. When I bring up a new system I just carry over the sendmail.mc, compile it, restart sendmail and voila. EL7 was no different than EL6 in that regard.