On Wednesday 25 January 2006 12:07, Jim Perrin wrote:
They were never in centosplus. They were in c4-Testing on dev.centos.org, and are still there -> http://dev.centos.org/centos/4/testing/x86_64/RPMS/ waiting for the required feedback to move to centosplus. If you use them and they work well for you, please by all means provide feedback at bugs.centos.org. The feedback tracker is here -> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1182
Oops - my bad!
As I said, I've been using them with CentOS 4.2 on a Tyan dual proc opteron X86/64 for about a month with no particular problems, until yesterday. I'm trying to track down a bug with the PG support list, and they need a gdb trace with development symbols enabled.
What package do I need to install to get a build with symbols? Or, is the only way to get this to recompile an SRPM with some options applied? How should I do the latter? Here's what I have installed:
[root@kepler ~]# rpm -qa | grep postg postgresql-server-8.1.0-4.c4 postgresql-contrib-8.1.0-4.c4 postgresql-8.1.0-4.c4 postgresql-devel-8.1.0-4.c4 postgresql-test-8.1.0-4.c4 compat-postgresql-libs-3_x86_64-4.c4.centos postgresql-libs-8.1.0-4.c4 postgresql-docs-8.1.0-4.c4