Hi, Johnny.
Thank you for that 'protect' tag explanation that seems to do exactly what I wanted.
That would be, in my opinion, a very good thing to have. Or something like Repo pinning. That does not exist in the default yum.
Those things would bring their own problems, because there would be items in the Dag repo (let's say "package B" that REQUIRE a newer version of "package A" (which is contained in the CentOS repo). This would cause a dependency problem if trying to install or upgrade "Package B".
Would this 'protect' tag solution also arise the same problem than described above ?
Also, does someone know where I could find a list of Dag's repo packages that are already present in the CentOS officials ? If there are only a few ones there, then it might be ok to just add them to the repos list as I am doing now already.
Is a downgrade from one higher version package to a current CentOS package something doable? I am a bit affraid to do something like that and don't know how I would do it (it might influence other packages as well..)
Best regards, Daniel