"Jamie Lists" jamielist@gmail.com schreef in bericht news:b77f4b410806080145g52f125cbv608a10ee4488aeb8@mail.gmail.com...
We have about 4 servers connected to an APC UPS. The UPS only has one UPS connection. So my question is, in a power outage how do i get all my servers to safely shutdown? Do i run a USB hub? Do i write a script on the one machine connected to turn off all the other machines? I'm confused.
If the UPS is not equipted with a network management card, then you can only connect the UPS to one server. This does not mean that you can manage only one server! The UPS software let you run custom scripts on (shutdown) events.
Create ssh key-pair on second server, and create a rs(s)h script to logon with the just created ssh keys to the second server where it runs a (shutdown) script. This can also be done for the third fourth and so on. You of course run different scripts on different events....