Ned Slider wrote:
- How do I configure these different ports ? By that, I mean : how do I
tell SSH to use them instead of port 22 ?
You don't really need to change the ports on the hosts. Just configure the router to accept different ports on the internet side and redirect to port 22 at the different IP addresses on the inside. Then you only have to change the client settings for access from outside. I'd move both of them away from port 22 on the outside, though - you'll avoid a lot of password guessing attempts that will happen otherwise.
Not all home/consumer routers will allow redirection to another port - some only allow packet forwarding to the *same* port at another IP address.
I guess that's possible - but they are cheap enough to replace if they don't provide the functionality you want. I think I've seen some where they had a simple setup to forward a port for a service to the same port at one inside IP or you could do a custom setup where you could specific the target port as well.