On 5/13/2010 1:42 PM, Eero Volotinen wrote:
2010/5/13 Les Mikeselllesmikesell@gmail.com:
Has anything changed in updates that would affect md raid1 resync speed? I regularly swap a 750G drive and resync to keep an offsite copy and haven't paid enough attention to known when things changed but it seems to take much longer to sync than it did months ago, even if I unmount the partition and stop most other processes that might compete with it.
well, try this:
OK, I can get a full-size Seagate 750G to resync at about 40M/s which easily completes in a workday. But now what I really want to do is use a laptop size 'WD Scorpio blue' drive which claims to have the same sector count but will only sync at about a tenth of the speed. It does say it uses 'advanced format', which I think means 4k sectors. Should that make a difference? Read speed tests show about the same as the desktop drives but writes are much slower.