On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 04:58:19PM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
Axel Thimm wrote:
I don't know enough about repotags to understand why everyone needs them. Can't any repotag be distinguished from no repotag? Why is there any need for cooperation beyond not choosing the same tag or lack thereof?
All the repotags request was about is to idntify epel packages as such with a simple tag in the file name, no more, no less. And that already died with an awful sound.
If everyone else has added unique repo tags, isn't the lack of a tag an equally unique identifier? I'm missing the point of argument here.
So you want to reiterate the whole epel-devel repotag fiasco here argument by argument? The argument was that once a repo drops the repotag and foo-1.2.3-4 conflicts with foo-2.0.0-1.blahrepo the typical user assumes the former to belong to the distro proper and the latter to be the one causing the conflict.
This is no academia, freshrpms had dropped repotags in December and suddely it started to rain such bug reports like "ATrpms replaces Fedora's mplayer".
But really this becomes more and more off-topic and a repetition of the epel-devel list discussion. If you have more questions on the nature of repotags and the repo rifts created by epel, please check the epel archives. Be assured that every aspect has been brought up and beaten to death.