On 12 September 2012 09:19, C. L. Martinez carlopmart@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
Last week I have migrated 5 CentoS 6.2 servers to CentOS 6.3. In all of them, I receive every day problems with logwatch:
Can't exec "sendmail": No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/logwatch line 1040, <TESTFILE> line 1. Can't execute sendmail -t: No such file or directory
It is really strange, because I am using default config ... On the other side, I have three CentOS 6.2 servers and these problems doesn't appears ...
How can I debug this??
On both versions rum command:
rpm -qf `which sendmail`
For me it's looks like you don't have postfix/sendmail on 6.3.
If you have sendmail command on 6.3, then check is path to sandmail is in logwatch script.
Kind regards Arek