On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 10:13 -0500, Alex wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 06:03:16 -0400 "William L. Maltby" CentOS4Bill@triad.rr.com took out a #2 pencil and scribbled:
I need to start running a dual head on one of my machines.
The test machine is 4.6, 2 radeon video cards. Searched the web, CentOS site, even bugzilla. This bugzilla entry from a 4.2 system), http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=1875 had only a WFM response.
I've attached a gzipped text file of pertinent information.
Briefly, kudzu did the right thing when I installed the second card. System-config-display also behaved correctly. X start ok, but will only use one head at a time. <snip>
Q1: Anyone have a two video card CentOS 4.6 setup working?
Q2: Is it working in CentOS 5?
Q3: Anyone see something I'm doing wrong? Suggestions?
This was addressed on the list at one point, and marked as solved by the poster.
I appreciate the time you've taken to at least try to help. Thank you.
I had seen that in my searches. However, it's 64 bit related. I'm on 32 bit systems. It also gets ATI drivers not provided by CentOS - antithetical to a subset of my goals. It was solving a different problem, unfortunately.
He was trying, IIRC, to solve the problem of spanning desktops. My eventual goal includes that. But step 1 is to try and get both working. I would *like* to stay as much CentOS "pure" as possible, allowing for inclusion of stuff from rpmforge, extras, KB's repo, etc.
This is important enough that I will buy a digital monitor to run on a single video card if I must. But as mentioned, I've got lots of older ones I can use.
Does this help you out? I haven't had occasion to play with dual head yet.
A quick google also turned this up, but it is not directly related to CentOS, I run an nvidia card and can't speak to how well this would work for you.
As above, vendor-specific drivers not from a CentOS-related site are a "last resort" option.
Alex White
Again, thanks for replying.
Maybe this is something I can beg Dag, Axel (never used his repos yet) or the CentOS crew to provide in extras or some such place.
I wait a little while and see what develops before I go begging or taking a non-CentOS route.