-----Original Message----- From: CentOS [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Chris Olson Subject: [CentOS] Intel Flaw
How does the latest Intel flaw relate to CentOS 6.x systems that run under VirtualBox hosted on Windows 7 computers?
My computer is an much older AMD Athlon X2-250, 3.0ghz dual core, 02-2012 Windows 10 Pro (15063.850)
I just manually patched my system w/ the security only update from Microsoft. Used the Pass Mark CPU test...
Before patch 1626, 1323 after patch or an 18.6% loss in speed.
Looking for a better test utility for Linux, but on my tested Linux boxen, doesn't seem to be any change.... But I'm using sysbench. Probably not the best utility in this case.
Richard Zimmerman River Bend Hose Specialty, Inc.