On 10/19/2012 08:21 PM, James B. Byrne wrote:
On Fri, October 19, 2012 11:32, Nux! wrote:
It should just work. The only problem I had was switching from the laptop's microphone to the one that came with my headphones since it's more performant. I did this by selecting it in the sound preferences (gnome-volume-control). Also, make sure you have installed the 32 bit pulseaudio libs, if you're on 64bit; or you can "yum install" this repo which will pull in the required deps: http://repo.fedoramd.org/mirrors/russianfedora/nonfree/el/updates/6/x86_64/s...
Your package works fine. Thank you very much. I checked the dependencies against what was installed as x86_64 versions and cold find nothing missing. Do you happen to know, or strongly suspect, why the 32 bit version works and the 64 bit version does not?
As I can see, only Ubuntu and debian have 64-bit versions of Skype. Have you found somewhere 64-bit version for fedora/EL?