Robert Moskowitz wrote:
What kernel version is in 5.3? Still 2.6.18?
there is an IPsec patch now in 2.6.27, BEET mode for ESP.
I need this mode for HIP in kernel mode, and have yet to successfully patch the kernel myself (the HIPL team does supply a BEET patch for the 2.6.18 kernel, but...).
So I do not have a RH account. I suspect corporate does, but I am too distant from them to get access.
how might I go about getting attention on the BEET ESP mode?
I'm not 100% sure Robert, but I think this might be the kernel that ships with RHEL5.3beta:
You could download it from here and at least take a look at what's in the kernel even if you don't have access to the full beta.