On 5/17/11, m.roth@5-cent.us m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
If we *really* need a moderator, here's an option: soc.religion.paganism has a robomoderator; on topic posts get autoapproved, obviously off-topic get bounced, and if there's any question, they get randomly bounced to a configurable number of human moderators, allowing for load balancing on the humans (and vacations, sick time, etc).
As already said, this sounds really complicated. Coming from an IRC and vBB admin background, I'll suggest moderation using the reactive approach instead of a automated process.
In the context of a ML, the signature could include a link with an unique subscriber/msg hash that triggers an email to moderators only if a threshold is reached. This limit actual moderation only to threads/posts that are really offensive to the point people are willing to actively flag it rather than rely on some automated process to decide if something's really off-topic or offensive.